Writing romance is hard when you just aren't in a romantic mood. If you feel at all bad tempered it's almost impossible to write about being in love, and most of all it's hard to write romantic comedy. My books are supposed to be light and fluffy, but also a little bit funny and a little bit sexy. All day I've been chasing the romance like this: Somehow just missing that elusive connection between the characters. I even ended up putting in an extra scene because I just didn't want them to meet while I was feeling like this in case I set their relationship off on completely the wrong path and they never came back from it.
But you know what, there is always something to find on the internet that can turn your mood around. I was grumpily searching gifs to find something that set the tone to help me and I found it. This one made me laugh out loud, and is it wrong that I also think it is also totally sexy too? Yeah it probably is, but I don't care. It made my day and put my romance right back on track. I love you Nathan and yeah okay, I would ;-)
The title of the new book will be : Flirting with Friends
Thank you to everyone who took part in suggesting names for the title and I'm very sorry if your title was not the one selected. As a bonus I will be sending each of you who entered, a free copy of book five when it comes out, simply because you are fantastic. Love Stella xx Have you read the first four? Click on books below to go to Amazon page ![]() Today I was telling my great aunt about the design of the cover of my latest book, Book 5 in The Flirting Games Series, and she told me that my covers were all wrong. Apparently readers want more romance and my "quirky" covers are not selling that. Bare in mind that my great aunt has not actually ever read one of my books, but she suggested I should have more "Fabio" on the front. Well, I had to look that one up. It turns out that Fabio was the model used on hundreds of book covers back in the 1980's. Even you, dear readers born after that date will probably recognise him, heck he even wrote a few books starring - yes you guessed it - himself on the cover! So what do you think? Is this really the type of romance I write? I think my aunt has a very different view of my work than I do. She thinks my books are like this: But in reality they are much more like this: So what do you think? Should my covers be way more slushy? Or do you like them as they are? Keep checking the website for a sneak preview of the new cover, coming soon! Hi Readers!
I'm currently writing book five in The Flirting Games Series and can't decide what to call it. So I thought I would run a competition and see if one of you can come up with a fab flirty suggestion for the title. The winner will have the book dedicated to them as an acknowledgement of their contribution and will of course get a free copy of the book. The titles so far: The Flirting Games #1 More Flirting Games #2 Further Flirting Games #3 Good @ Games #4 ? #5 So can you come up with something? The storyline is full of flirting challenges: Michael is struggling to work out the rules of dating and finds girls a mystery. The only one he can seem to talk to is Patty, who considers herself the funny fat friend and only has eyes for cute geek Reed, who for some reason is dating mean girl Bianca. Patty is convinced they are all with the wrong person and sets out to put it right... Email your suggestions to [email protected] or through the contact form on the website. You can enter as many times as you like, you must sign up to the mailing list to enter as entrance is for list members only, new members can sign up here: http://eepurl.com/wEMmD Competition closes 17 April 2015 at midnight GMT. The winner will be notified by email. If you don't hear from me then I'm sorry but you didn't win this time. Best of luck! Stella x |
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